阿尔(小弗雷迪·普林兹 Freddie Prinze Jr. 饰)和艾莫根(朱丽娅·斯蒂尔斯 Julia Stiles 饰)是一对年轻的恋人,他们志趣相投心性相似,是旁人眼中天造地设的一对佳偶,就连他们自己也坚信,他们就是彼此命中注定的那一个人。 在车水马龙的繁华大都市伦敦,有很多人像阿尔和艾莫根一样处于一段稳定的关系之中,但有另一些人,他们流连于灯红酒绿的欢场内,徘徊在个性迥异的伴侣间,享受着年轻和激情带来的肆意自由,从无定数。而目睹这一切的阿尔和艾莫根,渐渐对自己的生活方式产生了怀疑。就在这个节骨眼上,一场意外的发生成为了两人关系的转折点,是继续携手还是分道扬镳,他们无法做出选择。
Following the death of his father, Lyle Bennett sets out on an extreme weight loss journey in the hopes of reaching health and happiness. His goal will push him past his physical limits and test the strength of his mental and emotional stability.
In 1965, Bob Crane, who had achieved some earlier success as a television supporting actor, was working as a successful morning radio DJ at KNX Los Angeles. Despite enjoying his work, photography (especially of the female form) and drumming, Crane wanted to be a movie star. So it was with some reluctance that he accepted the title starring role in a new television sitcom called Hogan's Heroes (1965), a WWII POW comedy. To his surprise, the show became a hit and catapulted him to television stardom. The fame resulting from the show led to excesses and a meeting with home video salesman and technician John Carpenter, with who he would form a friendship based on their mutual interests, namely excessive sex (for Crane, purely heterosexual sex) and capturing nude females on celluloid. His fame allowed Crane to have as much sex as he wanted, which was incongruent to his somewhat wholesome television friendly image, and the way he portrayed himself to almost everyone except Carpenter and his...
When three best friends sell their company to a millennial, they find themselves out of step and behind the times as they hilariously struggle to navigate a changing world of culture.
12岁小男孩弗兰克·惠勒(Michael Patrick Carter 迈克尔·帕特里克·卡特 饰)正值青春期,情窦初开。弗兰克和几个小伙伴把卖牛奶的钱凑在一起,打算将这笔积蓄去城里好好奢侈一回,看一场成人脱衣舞表演。然而事情并非像他们想象得那么简单,中途,他们遭到袭击,不仅积蓄被一抢而空,连单车也被偷了。弗兰克就在如此偶然的机缘下结识了完全生活在另外一个世界的妓女V(梅兰尼·格里菲斯 Melanie Griffith 饰)。在危机时,V向他们伸出了援助之手,让他们回了家。 V漂亮时髦,虽然是一位风雨女郎,但却有着一颗金子般善良纯洁的心。弗兰克对V倍感亲切,他打算把V介绍给单身多年的父亲汤姆·惠勒(艾德·哈里斯 Ed Harris 饰)。让V嫁给父亲,成为他的继母,从而引发了一连串啼笑皆非又温情满满的爱情故事。
黑人男孩奥赫(昆东•亚伦 Quinton Aaron 饰)自幼父母离异,无家可归。不过,木讷的他却因为极强的身体条件和运动天赋,幸运地进入了一家私立基督教高中。虽然,他科科零分,但是一些细节却让他显得与众不同。一次排球比赛后,他主动收拾垃圾的行为,引起了陶西一家的注意。于是,陶西太太(桑德拉•布洛克 Sandra Bullock 饰)决定收养奥赫,并把他培养成橄榄球选手。陶西太太让他感受到了家庭的温暖。同时,陶西的儿子还帮助奥赫训练,使他很快地融入了橄榄球队的生活,不断激发运动的潜能。终于,在一次比赛中,他因出色的表现崭露头角,开始获得了球探的关注,随之带来了一系列的甜蜜和麻烦…… 本片根据迈克尔•刘易斯(Michael Lewis)的原著《弱点:比赛进程》(The Blind Side Evolution of the Game)改编,取材自2009年美国国家橄榄球联盟(National Football League)选秀状元迈克尔•奥赫的非凡经历。荣获第82届奥斯卡最佳女主角奖(Sandra Bullock)。